1818 E. 23rd Avenue,Hutchinson, KS 67502

What is Alliance Orthopedics and Sports Medicine doing to protect you against COVID-19 and other viral illnesses?


  • Upon arriving you will be asked questions upon entering the building.  If answers to the screening questions are of any concern, then we will transfer you to a private room for further evaluation.
  • At this time, we ask that only the patient attend their appointment, if possible.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but the safety of our patients and employees remains our top responsibility.
  • You will see that our staff will be wearing masks in order to reduce risks to our patients and we will ask patients to wear their masks.
  • We have removed all magazines, newspapers and other reading material from our waiting room to cut down on unnecessary exposure to germs and viruses.
  • We have removed books, toys and coloring pages from our waiting room to cut down on unnecessary exposure to germs and viruses.
  • Our staff is sanitizing frequently touched surfaces in our waiting room, bathrooms and clinic exam rooms everyone to two hours.
  • We have developed a plan on how the clinic will handle patients that we suspect have COVID-19 to continue to care for them but to also limit exposure to anyone else in the clinic.
  • We continue to monitor and observe the KDHE recommendations regarding COVID-19.
  • We offer Telehealth visits to those who want to minimize their exposure as much as possible.


Alliance Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is concerned for the safety of our patients and employees and will take all precautions to minimize your exposure.

For more information go to KDHE Covid-19